Got a Busy Schedule but Want a Plant? Choose the Peace Lily

There’s never a reason good enough to convince you not to have plants in your home. This goes for people with green thumbs as much as for serial plant killers, because plants bring about many benefits.

Peace Lily

Of course, it takes some knowledge when choosing which plant to introduce into your home and life, weighing in the needs, and advantages. A plant that stands out is the peace lily for sale primarily for its delicate beauty, and the rest you’re going to find out below.

As an evergreen, tropical perennial, this plant is great when kept both indoors and outdoors, and is low maintenance, something people with busy schedules would be thrilled to know. When choosing from the different types of peace lily plant for sale in nurseries, it’s important to check whether the plant is healthy, with well developed roots, and can be transported safely.

What’s good to remember is even though it’s a plant that is resilient (think: hard to kill), it still requires moist but well-drained soil, as well as plenty of natural light but not areas with full sun and it doesn’t do well in areas with cold drafts. When taken care of well, you can enjoy the sight of lovely white flowers with the size of 20cm.


Another of their quality properties is peace lilies purify the air. If you aren’t sure, take it from NASA who’ve conducted meticulous studies, getting to the results that peace lilies pull chemicals out of the air as well as the soil, such as ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, trichloroethylene among others.

Thanks to this, the peace lilies ended up on NASA’s list of top ten air cleaning plants for the household. If you want to breathe clean air in your home, this is the plant for you. You wouldn’t regret it taking into consideration it’s easy to take care of too.

What’s interesting to note is peace lilies aren’t part of the actual lilies (Liliaceae) as they are part of the Spathiphyllum family, and as such they don’t have the usual toxic compounds actual lilies do, however they still have some which aren’t to be taken lightly, like the calcium oxalate, that makes them poisonous for cats and dogs, so if you have furry friends around, be sure to keep them out of their sight.


Yes, they require regular fertilising, but there’s such a thing as over-fertilising as well as over-watering, so you have to be careful with this unless you want to see brown leaf tips. Even if you forget to water as often as necessary, what’s great is these plants get back to their healthy-self quickly after watering. They sound like the perfect plants, right?


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