Is the Lack of Spirituality What’s Forcing us into Therapy?

We live in such times when seeking professional help in order to remain mentally healthy is becoming as common as the common cold – no one is immune to it, at least as a concept, regardless of whether one is to act on the need or not. We are supreme beings at the top of the food chain and all, yet, it looks as if all other creations are in greater harmony than us, the almighty humans. All we need to do is take a look at the surveys where it’s stated that one in seven Australians is dealing with anxiety attacks and depression. However, this is only the number estimated according to what is being reported. How many of us experience these things on a daily basis, but no one is informed about it? What’s more, even those who seek therapy aren’t able to completely turn their lives around. They might be able to maintain a certain level of balance as to avoid affecting their dear ones, however, true enlightenment of the mind body and soul unity has never been and never will be in the hands of men and their pills.
We have forsaken our core purpose for the sake of catching up with everything this society based on consumerism demands from us. We’ve managed to put on hold our deeply rooted need for introspection and divine connection and therein lies the case for anxiety and depression. A sickness lies upon this world, but it is not a sickness of old – these manifestations are modern man creations. Had we the chance to use a time machine, an ancient human being would have given us a long, thoughtful stare of pity. All differences between us and the people from ancient times can be summed up in one word – mindfulness. We are always living either in the past or rushing our worried minds towards the future, neglecting the most important piece of the puzzle – the now. Ancient people didn’t just breathe, sleep and eat, they devoured every second of these necessities by giving their undivided attention to the matter. It might sound silly to some of you, but tasting food as one innately should, being thankful for beating the odds of being alive, appreciating sleep and taking one’s time to create unique rituals is what’s going to save us, provided we want to be saved, that is.
Now that I’ve mentioned salvation, I’ll immediately move on to my next point – God’s sacred words. People of all religions have one thing in common – the commands of all diverse traditions are constantly here to remind us that we weren’t supposed to dissolve our love for the mystical. Even astrophysicists are starting to come around the notion of there’s something more than what we see, something divine in all energy, and something malicious of equal strength that is trying to prevail. For us Christians, it’s all written down in the most sacred book of them all. All we need to do is pick up a copy of an ESV Study Bible and witness the revival of faith within us. Talking to a professional is a wonderful way to ensure the maintenance of one’s mental health, however, if one is to aim at the core, the answer is in the sacred words of our Lord. For many of us, the simplified ESV Study Bible version is what has the power to press stop to all raging voices in the head and help us learn to speak to ourselves from a place of understanding and love instead.


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