Utilizing Vertical Space: Electric Hanger Dryer

Going green and drying your laundry outside in the sun can be good, but moving your dryer around the garden all day to chase the sun can be a time-consuming and exhausting task. That is if you have a garden to begin with…

Placing an airer on the balcony can take up all the space, and the same goes if you set it indoors. Not to mention all the trouble that comes with opening and closing it. What’s more, some flats are so tiny that finding a place for the dryer means moving stuff around.

electric hanger dryer

If you want to utilize the space in your flat without obstacles and dry your clothes indoors in one fixed dryer, 365 days a year, an electric clothes hanger dryer would be a perfect solution for you.

It Gives You Extra Space

The good news is that you can install it everywhere where there’s a ceiling: laundry room, closed balcony, bathroom, hallway band even the living room. The electric hanging airer is the ultimate floor liberation and ceiling utilisation tool. One of the greatest benefits of this useful laundry invention is that you can keep your floor surfaces free and still effectively dry all your laundry loads.

electric clothesline dryer

If you lack space or just hate clutter and folding, this airer is ideal for you. With its simple, yet appealing design, one can forget that it’s even there and the floor stays free for the kids and pets to play. Choose a model with more extendable drying rods so you can dry as many clothes as you can at once.

When you are not using it, you can tuck it away against the ceiling and people won’t even notice it’s there. A well-constructed model can not only save you some space, but it can also give you excellent value for your money, considering how you won’t ever have to deal with all outside laundry airing trouble.

girl hanging clothes on a ceiling electric dryer

A compact unit that is around 80 cm long and 30 cm wide is ideal to fit every room or closed balcony.

Laundry Dries Quicker

If you’re a last-minute launderer who often needs garments in a hurry, the electric airer can be your best friend. With the electric clothes hanger dryer, your laundry dries in no time. You don’t need to wait overnight for your jeans to be dry. When using the built-in heater, your clothes are ready to wear in a flash. It is better to choose a model that has both: a heater for warm air drying and a fan for cool air. Or, you can just hang your load on the dryer and let them dry naturally.

electric clothesline

Regardless of the way you decide to dry your clothes, your loads will be dry within one to two hours, not day(s), which can be the case with other airers. Opt for a model with built-in LED light, especially if you want to install it on the balcony or a not so light corner.

Easy to Install & Cost Efficient

A professional electrician or home handyman can easily install your new laundry addition. Since the unit needs to be hardwired, it is recommended that you get a qualified electrician to complete the electrical installation.

Most of the models are energy-effective, so there won’t be a visible increase in your electricity bill. The good news is, you can choose not to use the in-built heater and leave the clothes dry in your home heat. This way you’ll be saving on electricity, yet gaining in the aspect of practical use of space and quantity (some models have a big load capacity up to 35 kilos).

Compared to the automatic drying machine, the electric clothes drying rack is way more economical.

Safe around Kids and Pets

One of the greatest benefits of an electric airer installed on the ceiling is that this keeps it out of reach regarding children and pets. With every other airer, you are risking to find your pants and shirt in some corner of the room because your dog decided to take your clothes. Another nuisance of using a regular manual dryer is that the kids will constantly trip over it.

Lifted without Effort

lifting a ceiling clothes dryer

With your old manual airer, you had to wait for the weather to allow you to go and whisk it out onto a balcony or chase the sun around the garden. Your laundry days when you wondered how to open and close your manual airer are behind you. Not to mention the transport from one room to another, or the hurry to move it inside because it started to rain…The electric airer is the complete opposite of the complicated dryers you are used to, it’s very easy to operate and suitable to use for just about anyone.

This unit is remote controlled and with just one push of a button, the drying rods lower from the ceiling ready for action. You just need to simply load the unit with laundry and push a button to raise it to the ceiling.


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