What Features to Look for in Circular Saws

One of the most common power tools used today is the circular saw. Although circular saws Australia workers, particularly those new to industry sector, associate it with woodworking, this powerful tool is designed and can be used to cut not only wood but rock, steel, concrete, glass, metal, fiberglass, iron and even asphalt.

But before you decide you need one, there are a few things to consider like the design, the features and the means of power. Once you’ve decided on all of the aforementioned things, you’re ready to go online or visit a hardware store that sells circular saws Australia wide and make the purchase. But first, let’s start with the basics.

Circular Saws

Basic Parts

A typical circular saw consists of a blade guard that retracts to expose the blade when in use and covers it when not in use, a footplate that helps steady the circular saw against the work piece, a bevel adjustment that allows the foot plate to tilt in relation to the blade, and a depth adjustment to let you work pieces of different thickness.

Wired vs Wireless Circular Saws

Wireless saws are convenient when working in remote areas where access to a power supply is impossible and where extension cords are difficult to use. They’re typically smaller than corded saws so they work very well in confined spaces. Moreover, their compatibility makes them extremely portable. These models are best suited for cutting wood and wood products because their battery life limits them. They can cut rougher materials, but the batteries will drain much quicker.

Wired models on the other hand, don’t need batteries for power and they’re ideal for cutting asphalt, masonry and steel. They’re available in many sizes, with the most common ones being about 7 inches. However, they do require a stable and suitable power cord and electricity source.

The Features

And the last but not less important thing you need to consider, are the features. For wired models, you need to consider the amps, while for the wireless models you need to pay attention to the volts. More volts and amps means more power. Next, consider the blade capacity. The blade capacity determines the max depth of cut the circular saw can achieve. The larger the blade is, the deeper it can cut. And lastly, the electric brake which can reverse the flow of electricity in the motor making the blade stop quickly. It can make it stop in as little as two seconds, allowing you to make precise cuts and prevent injury.


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