Hearing Aids: How to Choose the Right One

With the busy lifestyles of today, it is not uncommon to take things for granted, especially things related to body functions. Apart from being unable to hear properly, hearing loss can result in depression and it can badly affect self-esteem. When looking for a positive side, it is amazing being part of such a technologically-led world, so this kind of problems can be solved by using the proper type of hearing aids.

Hearing Aids Melbourne

Hearing aids are electronic devices that enhance sounds so that people with hearing loss can communicate and get involved in everyday activities. They are designed to increase sound vibrations and improve the hearing of people who have sensorineural hearing loss which occurs when the hair cells in the inner ear get damaged from some medications, disease, injury, or as a result of ageing.

Hearing aids consist of a microphone, amplifier and speaker. The microphone receives sound waves and converts them from acoustic into electrical signals. Once they are converted, the amplifier enhances the power of the electrical signal which is then sent to the ear through the speaker. Hearing aids are powered by batteries and can include control buttons that enable the user to adjust various different parameters.

Thanks to all the technological advancements, hearing devices are constantly evolving and improving, and with the many hearing aids Melbourne clinics offer, you will be able to easily find the advanced and efficient hearing solutions for your problems. When it comes to choosing the right hearing aids there are many factors to take into consideration. Since there are multiple styles with different features, it is good to know a thing or two more about them to make the wise choice when purchasing.

Behind-the-ear (BTA) aids

BTA aids are available in two models: mini BTA and BTA with earmould. The mini BTA style incorporates ultra-thin tubing that connects to a soft tip inside the ear canal and transfers the sound. They are worn behind the outer ear and are usually used for mild to moderate hearing loss. BTA with earmould on the other hand is great for both mild and severe hearing loss. All the components of the aid are placed inside a special case and are connected to a plastic earmould positioned at the outer ear.

In-the-ear (ITE) aids

ITE aids are commonly used for mild to profound hearing loss. Fitted completely inside the outer ear this style of aids is hardly visible and very practical to use. All the electronic components are housed inside a strong plastic case however some models also include additional features such as directional microphones or telecoils.

  • Telecoil is a little wire that provides many benefits. There are two types: manual and automatic. Telecoils enhance the hearing ability in cases of both mild and severe hearing loss and are great for reducing noise and reverberation.
  • Directional microphone helps enhance the audio signal and is great for noisy environments. Besides ITE devices, hearing aids Melbourne centres also offer other models with this type of microphone and they usually include the option to switch between directional and omnidirectional modes.

Canal aids

There are two models of canal aids available: in-the-canal (ITC) devices and completely-in-canal (CIC). Both models are quite small and can sometimes be difficult to adjust or remove. The great thing about them is they do not include additional features like telecoli, for example, and are the perfect option for people shy from being seen with hearing aids. ITC aids are custom made to fit the shape and size of your ear canal. CIC aids are practically hidden inside the ear canal and are less likely to pick up unnecessary wind noises. Canal aids are commonly used for mild to fairly severe hearing problems.


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